Case Report(症例報告)
(0157 - 0161)
The process of calcium bilirubinate gallstone formation demonstrated on serial ultrasonography in a patient with post-gastrectomic cholecystitis
竹内 和男1, 2
Kazuo TAKEUCHI1, 2
1虎の門病院消化器科, 2沖中記念成人病研究所
1Division of Gastroenterology,Toranomon Hospital, 2Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research
キーワード : ultrasonography, calcium bilirubinate stone, β-glucuronidase, gallstone formation, post-gastrectomic cholecystitis
A 48-years old male was gastrectomized for advanced gastric cancer with reconstruction by Billroth I
Two months after operation, first attack of cholecystitis occurred. During the attack, ultrasonography revealed
gravity-dependent low level echoes without back-shadowing, but no stone echoes were noted in the
gallbladder. Subsequent ultrasonographic examination (USE) during the two other episodes of acute cholecystitis
showed one oval shaped stone on the IInd USE (6 months after operation) and two stone echoes on
the IIIrd USE (8 months after operation). However, no low level echoes as noted on the first USE were
At cholecystectomy, there were two calcium bilirubinate stones in the gallbladder.
The serial USE suggests that initially recognized low level echoes without back-shadowing changed to calcium
bilirubinate gallstones during several attacks of acute cholecystitis and the USE findings support the
Maki's hypothesis on mechanism of coagulation and solidification of calcium bilirubinate gallstone.