腹部(27):消化管⑤ 急性腹症ほか
(S725 - S726)
A case of iliocecal foreign body penetrated to the retroperitoneum
小林 正夫1, 向井 秀一1, 趙 栄済1, 中島 正継1, 下間 正隆2, 竹中 温2
Masao KOBAYASHI1, Hidekazu MUKAI1, Eisai CHO1, Masatsugu NAKAJIMA1, Masataka SHIMOTSUMA2, Atsushi TAKENAKA2
1京都第二赤十字病院消化器科, 2京都第二赤十字病院外科
1Department of Gastroenterology, Second Red Cross Hospital of Kyoto, 2Department of Surgery, Second Red Cross Hospital of Kyoto
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