State of the Art(特集)
(0026 - 0031)
Exercise 2-D echocardiography : Comparison of exercise induced asynergy with coronary lesions and ST segment changes
高橋 啓美1, 古賀 義則1, 宇津 典彦1, 板家 守夫2, 戸嶋 裕徳2
Hiromi Takahashi1, Yoshinori Koga1, Fumihiko Utsu1, Morio Itaya2, Hironori Toshima2
1久留米大学循環器病研究所, 2久留米大学第三内科
1Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kurume University School of Medicine, 2The 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine
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