Original Article(原著)
(0083 - 0088)
The Display of Ultrasound Images on a Facsimile
明石 健一1, 渋谷 昇1, 伊藤 健一1, 横井 浩2
Ken-ichi AKASHI1, Noboru SHIBUYA1, Ken-ichi ITO1, Hiromu YOKOI2
1東京農工大学工学部電子工学科, 2大阪日生病院
1Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, 2Nissei Hospital
キーワード : facsimile, dot-pattern, hard copy, gray scale
We have developed a ultrasound diagnostic system with a facsimile on which ultrasound images can be
displayed, and we can get cheap hardcopies easily with that system.
In the technique for a display of continuous tone pictures on a bilevel display equipment such as a facsimile, it has been found that the distinction of the dot-patterns has a great influence upon their gray-scales.
We have found that the dot-pattern influence upon their gray-scales is due to overlap of the dots. In such a case, the dot-pattern which, they say, is good for minimizing a mosaic is not necessarily good for gray-scales.
The transmission of the ultrasound images to a facsimile installed in another station is demonstrated. The transmission is realized easily, because the facsimile is standardized.