Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1983 - Vol.10

Vol.10 No.03

State of the Art(特集)

(0206 - 0210)


Problems of Combined Use of Ultrasonic Pulsed-Doppler with B-mode or D-mode

瀬尾 育弐, 飯沼 一浩

Yasutsugu SEO, Kazuhiro IINUMA


Medical Engineering Laboratory, Toshiba Corp.

キーワード :

Development of combined systems of ultrasonic pulsed-Doppler flow meter and real-time B-mode scanner gives an impact for the practical use of non-invasive Doppler blood flow measurement. However, there are several problems. Major problems in relation to the combined systems are as follows: (1) The maximum measurable velocity in the simultaneo us B/D-mode is reduced to a half of that in D-mode (detecting only Doppler signal), (2) Noise is increased in the simultaneous B/D-mode, (3) Doppler shifted frequency spectrum spreads even if velocity of a reflector is unity, and the center frequency of the Doppler shifted frequency is shifted due to frequency dependent attenuation of human body, (4) D-mode is recorded with a time lag of several milliseconds to M-mode. In order to remove disadvantages of (1) and (2), blood flow is recorded in D-mode after the position is confirmed in B/D-mode. Larger ultrasonic pulse width should be used for Doppler flow measurement. The time lag which leads to misdiagnosis must be corrected.