腹部(17) 膵臓①
(S0727 - S0728)
拡張膵管像の検討—X Ray膵管像との対比—
Evaluation of dilated pancreatic duct of the carcinoma of the pancreatic head - a comparative study between ultrasound image and radiographic image-
堀田 彰一, 大村 卓味, 西沢 正明, 小井戸 一光, 須賀 俊博, 村島 義男
Shoichi HORITA, Takumi OUMURA, Masaaki NISHIZAWA, Kazmitu KOITO, Toshihiro SUGA, Yoshio MURASHIMA
札幌厚生病院 消化器内科
Division of Gastroenterology,Sappro Kosei Hospital
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