Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1983 - Vol.10

Vol.10 No.04

State of the Art(特集)

(0279 - 0286)


Detection of the Pathological Changes of the Biological Tissues and Tissue Characterization

田中 元直1, 大川井 宏明1, 中鉢 憲賢2, 櫛引 淳一2, 三野宮 利男2

Motonao TANAKA1, Hiroaki OHKAWAI1, Noriyoshi CHUBACHI2, Jun-ichi KUSHIBIKI2, Toshio SANNOMIYA2

1東北大学抗酸菌病研究所電子医学部門, 2東北大学工学部電気工学科

1Dept. of Med. Eng. & Cardiol., The Res. Inst. for Chest Diseases & Cancer, Tohoku Univ., 2Facult. of Eng., Tohoku Univ.

キーワード :

Detection of pathological changes in tissue and the evaluation of their extent are indispensable in the clinical diagnosis. Rational utilization of physical characters of ultrasound will enable us to detect the pathological changes of the tissues non-invasively. For this purpose, following problems must be investigated. 1) Relationships between the findings on ultrasonic examination and those of histological changes in biological tissues. 2) Analysis of the acoustic and physical character of the tissues in normal and abnormal status. 3) Propagation properties of ultrasound passing through the biological tissue at macroscopic and microscopic level. However, at present, many fundamental problems such as methodologies for measurement, observation technique, treatment for the tissue for the measurement, etc. remain to be solved. In this report, from the results of the echo pattern of the myocardial tissues in pathological state observed on the high resolution tomogram by using a concave transducer of 30 mm in diameter and 3.5 MHz in frequency, and that of the acoustic character of the pathological myocardium measured by the use of Scanning Acoustic Microscope, the possibility of detection of pathological changes occured in myocardium were discussed and demonstrated.