State of the Art(特集)
(0292 - 0298)
Histogram Pattern Diagnosis Using Ultrasound Images
伊東 紘一1, 安田 是和2, 相原 敏則3, 趙 莉1, 小西 辰男4, 小谷野 明4
Kouichi ITOH1, Yoshikazu YASUDA2, Toshinori AIHARA3, Li ZHAO1, Tatsuo KONISHI4, Akira KOYANO4
1自治医科大学臨床病理部, 2自治医科大学外科, 3自治医科大学放射線科, 4アロカ(株)技術部
1Department of Clinical Pathology, Jichi Medical School, 2Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, 3Department of Radiology, Jichi Medical School, 4Aloka Co., Ltd.
キーワード :
This paper reports on the histogram pattern diagnosis using B-mode ultrasound images. We have developed a new histogram system for increasing the accuracy and the quantitative analysis of ultrasound diagnosis. Display information of the histogram pattern shows the echo level and the frequency of the echo in the selected area (ROI). The X-axis is the echo level, rated from 1 to 63 dB. The Y-axis shows the frequency of the echo on each echo level, where the maximum frequency is always normalized to 100% except at the zero level. The level of the center of gravity and the width of the echo level on the 0%, 10%, and 50% of the frequency are calculated from the histogram patterns. The widths of the echo level in liver, gallbladder and renal carcinoma are significantly expanded on the X-axis of the histogram. Pancreatic carcinoma cannot be distinguished from normal tissue in the histogram. The histogram of pancreatic carcinoma produces a narrow pattern along the X-axis. This finding suggests that the diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma with ultrasound imaging is difficult. Liver cirrhosis can be distinguished from the tissue of normal liver and fat liver by attenuation rate (curve) with the histogram. In this study, the clinical usefulness of the histogram was demonstrated.