Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1983 - Vol.10

Vol.10 No.05

State of the Art(特集)

(0350 - 0353)


The Role & Future of Echography in Mass-screening of the Abdomen

竹原 靖明1, 有山 襄2, 島口 晴耕2, 中沢 三郎3, 木本 英三3, 中井 吉英4, 島田 章4, 川平 稔5

Yasuaki TAKEHARA1, Joe ARIYAMA2, Seiko SHIMAGUCHI2, Saburo NAKAZAWA3, Eizo KIMOTO3, Yoshihide NAKAI4, Akira SHIMADA4, Minoru KAWAHIRA5

1関東中央病院, 2順天堂大学消化器内科, 3名古屋大学第二内科, 4九州大学心療内科, 5琉球大学放射線部(消化器内科)

1Kanto Chuo Hospital, 2Dept. of Gastroenterology, Juntendo Univ., 32nd Dept. of Internal Med. Nagoya Univ., 4Dept. of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyushu Univ., 5Dept. of Radiology, Ryukyu Univ.

キーワード :

Ultrasonic mass-screening by electronic linear scanning on the abdomen was done at IKI Island and IZENA Island last year. Based on these experiences, the following points were discussed.
1) Echography in mass-screening can be utilized not only for ordinary screening, but also for final assessment if done by well experienced physicians.
2) In the future:
a) The mass-screening ought to be done under the condition that the angiography, ERCP and PTC are readily available when needed.
b) A training system for special physicians and technicians are mandatory.
c) A special equipment for mass-screening should be developed.