Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1983 - Vol.10

Vol.10 No.06

Original Article(原著)

(0403 - 0409)

経静脈左心系コントラストエコー法 —方法論の検討と発生機序に関する考察—

Transvenous Left Heart Contrast Echocardiography; A Technical Evaluation and A Consideration of its Mechanism

里見 元義1, 宮川 幸子1, 森島 正恵2, 山田 芳弘3, 小国 弘量4, 中村 憲司1, 高尾 篤良1

Gengi SATOMI1, Sachiko MIYAGAWA1, Masae MORISHIMA2, Yoshihiro YAMADA3, Hirokazu OGUNI4, Kenji NAKAMURA1, Atsuyoshi TAKAO1

1東京女子医科大学日本心臓血圧研究所循環器小児科, 2東京女子医科大学日本心臓血圧研究所研究部, 3(現)国立長崎中央病院, 4(現)東京女子医大小児科

1Department of Pediatric Cardiology Heart Institute of Japan,Tokyo Women's Medical College, 2Department of Experimental Laboratory, Heart Institute of Japan,Tokyo Women's Medical College, 3Department of Pediatrics, Nagasaki Chuou Hospital, 4Department of Pediatrics,Tokyo Women's Medical College

キーワード : left heart, contrast echocardiography, Perfluorochemicals, Intralipos

 In order to determine a possible transvenous left heart contrast agent, we performed contrast two-dimensional echocardiography in 18 dogs using three kinds of perfluochemicals (Fluosol-DA, FC-43 and Perfluoroctyl bromide) and Intralipos. The 5 ml of Fluosol-DA 20% and 5 ml of Intralipos yielded best contrast in the left heart in all of the dogs. Oxygenation of the Fluosol-DA 20% was not helpful for increasing the success rate of left heart contrast.
 The dissolution and dilution of small contrast particles reaching the left sided chambers through the capillary bed of the lung was speculated as a source of the contrast echoes in the left heart.