Original Article(原著)
(0410 - 0413)
Prostatic Size and Weight Measured by Ultrasonotomography in Klinefelter's Syndrome
阿部 昌弘, 大江 宏, 斉藤 雅人, 板倉 康啓, 伊達 成基
Masahiro ABE, Hiroshi OHE, Masahito SAITOH, Yasutaka ITAKURA, Seiki DATE
Department of Urology, Kyoto,Prefectural University of Medicine
キーワード : Klinefelter's syndrome, ultrasonotomography, prostate
Prostatic size and weight were measured in 13 cases of Klinefelter's syndrome using transrectal ultrasonotomography.
According to some literatures, it was described that the prostate in Klinefelter's syndrome was generally small.
In our series, however, we found 2 cases with the larger prostate than the normal value, including a case
of benign prostatic hypertrophy.