Original Article(原著)
(0414 - 0418)
超音波検査が診断に有用であった adrenal myelolipomaの2例
Two Cases of Adrenal Myelolipoma Successfully Diagnosed by Ultrasound
佐藤 郁郎1, 林 仁守1, 小笠原 鉄郎1, 中野 修道2
Ikuro SATO1, Insu LIM1, Tetsuo OGASAWARA1, Nobumichi NAKANO2
1東北労災病院内科, 2東北労災病院泌尿器科
1Department of internal medicine,Tohoku Rosai Hospital, 2Department of urology,Tohoku Rosai Hospital
キーワード : adrenal myelolipoma , ultrasonography, ultrasonically guided aspiration biopsy , computed tomography
Adrenal myelolipoma in two patients was found during the course of US survey for liver cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis. They were shown as a uniform and markedly echogenic mass on US. On XCT, they were demonstrated as an uniform and fat density mass. Aspiration biopsy was carried out under ultrasonic guidance. In the first case, the presence of atypical cells suggested a retroperitoneal malignant tumor. In the second, aspiration biopsy specimen showed myeloid elements with adipose cells, and it was possible to diagnose myelolipoma preoperatively. A 6×6 cm encapsulated and well-circumscribed tumor weighed 50 g was resected in the first, and a 3×3 cm tumor weighed 10 g was resected in the second. These tumors were composed of adipose tissue and hemopoietic tissue, and looked like the normal bone marrow. Final diagnosis was adrenal myelolipoma, an uncommon, benign and hormonally nonfunctioning tumor, and these appear to be the smallest of all the 28 reported cases. Therefore, we may conclude that US is useful for the detection of myelolipoma tumors.