腹部(Ⅶ) 胆囊癌
(S347 - S348)
A Case of Intragallbladder Tumor Difficult to Differenciate from Carcinoma on Ultrasonography
渡部 寿永1, 星 恭子1, 豊田 彰二1, 十川 康之2, 杉浦 信之3, 樋口 良雄1, 大貫 寿衛1
Toshinaga WATANABE1, Kyoko HOSHI1, Shoji TOYODA1, 2, 3, 1, 1
1国際親善病院内科, 2国立横浜東病院外科, 3国立横浜東病院内科
1Department of Internal Medicine, International Goodwill Hospital, 2Department of Internal Medicine, International Goodwill Hospital, 3Department of Internal Medicine, International Goodwill Hospital
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