Original Article(原著)
(0008 - 0015)
Ultrasonographic Findings of Small Polypoid Lesion in the Gallbladder —Comparison with Operative Findings—
林 仁守1, 松田 恵三郎1, 佐藤 郁郎1, 小笠原 鉄郎1, 山形 倫1, 三田 正紀1, 当麻 忠1, 松代 隆2
Insu LIM1, Keizaburo MATSUDA1, Ikuro SATO1, Tetsuo OGASAWARA1, Rin YAMAGATA1, Masanori MITA1, Tadashi TAIMA1, Takashi MATSUSHIRO2
1東北労災病院内科, 2東北労災病院外科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku Rosai Hospital, 2Department of Surgery, Tohoku Rosai Hospital
キーワード : Ultrasound, Gallbladder, Small polypoid lesion, Pathologic findings
Comparative study of ultrasonographic findings with pathologic findings was made in 25 cases with small polypoid lesion of the gallbladder.
The following conclusions were derived from this study.
1. Small polypoid lesion of the gallbladder was defined as tumor smaller than 20 mm in size because it is very difficult to detect early cancer of this size, contrasting with tumors of gallbladder larger than 21 mm which were usually malignant.
2. Multiple polypoid lesions smaller than 10 mm in 17 of 18 cases were cholesterol polyp.
3. Surgical exploration revealed multiple lesions in the gallbladder in 5 cases whose ultrasonographic findings showed only one lesion.
4. Ultrasonography as well as surgical operation revealed single polypoid lesion in 2 of 2 cases with hyperplasia and 3 out of 4 cases with adenoma.
5. Differential diagnosis of these small polypoid lesions according to echo intensity was impossible.