Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1985 - Vol.12

Vol.12 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0158 - 0163)


Ultrasonic Demonstration of Enterolith: Report of Two Cases

内藤 誠二, 川内 章裕, 五味 明, 久保田 和義, 志賀 俊行, 中山 国明, 鈴木 博, 李 中仁, 松井 渉, 神谷 憲太郎, 片岡 徹, 小池 正, 石井 淳一

Seiji NAITO, Akihiro KAWAUCHI, Akira GOMI, Kazuyoshi KUBOTA, Toshiyuki SHIGA, Kuniaki NAKAYAMA, Hiroshi SUZUKI, Chun Jen LEE, Wataru MATSUI, Kentaro KAMIYA, Toru KATAOKA, Tadashi KOIKE, Junichi ISHII


Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Showa University

キーワード : Ultrasonography, Enterolith, Ileus

 Two patients with small-bowel obstruction due to enterolith were examined by ultrasound and a crescent-shaped strong echo with acoustic shadow in the fluid-filled small intestine was demonstrated. In the first patient, the plane radiograph of the abdomen demonstrated air-fluid levels in the small bowel, without any radiopaque substance. However after gastrointestinal series with Gastrographine, a calculus was demonstrated in the right lower quadrant. In the second patient, gastrointestinal series and endoscopic examination revealed a large bezoar. The patient was referred to our hospital due to subileus and plain radiographic study of the abdomen revealed a large radiopaque substance in the left pelvis and the extremely enlarged small intestine. Operation was performed and enterolith was taken out from the small bowel.
 Fortunately, enterolith was demonstrated by the radiographic examinations in these patients. However, it was not always radiopaque. Therefore, ultrasonic demonstration of the calculus in the fluid-filled small intestine can afford valuable information in diagnosis of enterolith.