(S139 - S140)
Hemodynamical evaluation of anemic hearts between young and old aged CRF patients in Erythropoietine Loading by using echocardiography.
平松 慎右1, 2, 池田 泰子1, 2, 佐藤 清貴1, 2, 増田 卓1, 2, 木川田 隆一1, 2
S. HIRAMATSU1, 2, Y. IKEDA1, 2, K. SATOH1, 2, T. MASUDA1, 2, R. KIKAWADA1, 2
1北里大学内科, 2北里大学救命救急医学科
1Department of Medicine, Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine Kitasato University, 2Department of Medicine, Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine Kitasato University
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