Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1985 - Vol.12

Vol.12 No.04

Original Article(原著)

(0267 - 0273)


On the Character of Halo of Thyroid Nodules: Ultrasonographic-Pathologic Correlation

藤本 武利1, 2, 中沢 英樹1, 2, 北村 隆信1, 小林 和生1, 秋山 洋1, 2

Taketoshi FUJIMOTO1, 2, Hideki NAKAZAWA1, 2, Takanobu KITAMURA1, Kazuo KOBAYASHI1, Hiroshi AKIYAMA1, 2

1虎の門病院外科, 2沖中記念成人病研究所

1Department of Surgery, Toranomon Hospital, 2Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research

キーワード : Halo, Character of halo, Irregular halo, Histological capsular invasion

 Ultrasonographic patterns of thyroid nodules were correlated with pathologic findings. Thyroid nodules were examined with a real-time ultrasound scanner (HITACHI EUB-40,5 MHz convex type probe) equipped with a jelly pack produced on a centrifuge.
 On thyroid ultrasonography, the halo sign appeared in cases of follicular-pattern-dominant tumor. Histological capsular invasion appeared in seven of the ten cases presenting irregular halo. In diagnosing histological capsular invasion, sensitivity was 88%, specificity was 67%, and accuracy was 76%. Chai-square evaluation indicated that this finding was statistically significant (p<0.05).
 Thyroid nodules with irregular halo signs are carcinomas with capsular invasion. The authors are now diagnosing thyroid nodules with irregular halo signs as follicular-pattern-dominant carcinomas, though more ultrasonographic case studies will be necessary before the diagnoses of histological type.