Original Article(原著)
(0301 - 0309)
Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Tract by a First Screening Approach
野上 浩實1, 藤原 憲治1, 朝井 均2
Hiromi NOGAMI1, Kenji FUJIWARA1, Hitoshi ASAI2
1野上病院, 2大阪市立大学医学部第三内科
1Nogami Hospital, 2The 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
キーワード : First screening approach, Systemic scanning, Gastrointestinal tract
More and more attention has been paid to sonographic evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract in recent years. We have investigated the possibility of ultrasonographic diagnosis for gastrointestinal tract these several years. The systemic scanning for gastrointestinal tract which we devised made it possible considerably accurate diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. We obtained true positive cases ultrasonographically 87.3% in gastric cancer, 68.6% in gastric ulcer, 80.5% in duodenal ulcer, and 73.2% in carcinoma of the colon and the rectum. These figures depend on our systemic scanning for gastrointestinal tract, the careful observation and the skillfulness of the examiners. So, we conclude that ultrasonography should be much more applied for the patients with illdefined complaints as a primary screening technique in order to pick up not only hepatic, biliary or pancreatic disorders but also gastrointestinal disorders.