Original Article(原著)
(0381 - 0387)
腎中心部エコーに anechoic あるいは hypoechoic area を示した症例の検討 —腎中心部エコーの"解離"像という表現について—
Investigation of An- or Hypo-echoic Areas of the Renal Central Echoes : New Expression of the "Splitting" of the Renal Central Echoes
北原 聡史1, 岡 薫1, 竹原 靖明2, 久田 祐一2, 山田 清勝2, 関根 英明3, 永松 秀樹3
Satoshi KITAHARA1, Kaoru OKA1, Yasuaki TAKEHARA2, Yuichi HISADA2, Kiyokatsu YAMADA2, Hideaki SEKINE3, Hideki NAGAMATSU3
1関東中央病院泌尿器科, 2関東中央病院画像診断科, 3東京医科歯科大学医学部泌尿器科
1Department of Urology, Kanto Central Hospital, 2Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Kanto Central Hospital, 3Department of Urology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, School of Medicine
キーワード : Ultrasonography, Kidney, Central echoes, An- or hypo-echoic area
he kidneys of 759 urological patients were examined by ultrasound as a part of abdominal screening for the last 2 years. They were studied because of abdominal pain, hematuria, urinary tract infection and so on. 112 cases (14.8%) of them showed an- or hypo-echoic areas of the renal central echoes (RCE) in echogram. 107 patients underwent further examination such as excretory urogram, CT, ultrasonically guided puncture. We found out 67 cases (62.2%) of hydronephrosis, 18 (16.8%) of parapelvic cyst, 10 (9.3%) of renal sinus lipomatosis, 1 (0.9%) of extra-renal pelvis, and 13 (12.1%) of normal kidney. It has been reported in the literature that several kinds of renal diseases demonstrate an- or hypo-echoic areas of the RCE. We can not always discriminate among these diseases and are sometimes puzzled in the diagnosis by ultrasound alone. For example, of the cases which show hydronephrosis-like-echograms, we often encounter normal kidneys and other kinds of renal diseases. Therefore, the appearances of an- or hypo-echoic areas of the RCE are named in our clinic for convenience as the "splitting" of the RCE. We make further examination systematically of these cases.