Original Article(原著)
(0514 - 0521)
Relations between Echocardiographic Findings in Long Axis View and Electrocardiographic Changes in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
佐久間 徹1, 桑子 賢司2, 松田 光生1, 杉下 靖郎1, 伊藤 巌1
Tohru SAKUMA1, Kenji KUWAKO2, Mitsuo MATSUDA1, Yasuro SUGISHITA1, Iwao ITO1
1筑波大学臨床医学系内科, 2三井記念病院循環器センター
1Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tsukuba, 2Center for Cardiovascular Disease, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
キーワード : Hypertrophic caxdiomyopathy, Two-dimensional echocardiography, Giant negative T wave, Abnormal Q wave, Left ventricular voltage
The relationship between 2-dimensional echocardiographic findings in long axis view and electrocardiographic changes were studied in 49 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Among them, 16 had a history of hypertension. Patients were divided into three groups according to echocardiographic patterns of interventricular septal hypertrophy—diffuse type, basal type and apical type. Diffuse type and apical type revealed left ventricular high voltage (5.0±1.4 mV, 6.1±1.5 mV), deep negative T waves (-0.9±0.7 mV, -1.2±0.9 mV) and high incidences of giant negative T waves (35%, 47%) and of abnormal Q waves (35%, 29%). Basal type had lower left ventricular voltage (3.8±0.9 mV), less marked negative T waves, and lower incidence of abnormal Q waves (17%) than the other types. Patients with hypertension were seen both in diffuse and apical types, but not in Basal type. Patients with hypertension did not show any significant differences in wall thickness and ECG findings as compared with normotensives.