Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1985 - Vol.12

Vol.12 No.06

Case Report(症例報告)

(0533 - 0536)


Ultrasonographic Findings of Renal Arteriovenous Malformation: A Case Report

本田 宏1, 巴 ひかる1, 高橋 公太1, 岩松 勝實2, 茅野 嗣雄2, 高田 真行2

Hiroshi HONDA1, Hikaru TOMOE1, Kota TAKAHASHI1, Katsumi IWAMATSU2, Tsuguo KAYANO2, Masayuki TAKADA2

1東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター, 2玄々堂君津病院

1Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical College, 2Gengen-do Kimitsu Hospital

キーワード : Arteriovenous malformation, Kidney, Ultrasonography

 A 46-year-old woman experienced mild epigastral discomfort. Physical and laboratory examination revealed no special abnormal findings. But Ultrasonography of the left kidney demonstrated multiple anechoic tubular structures in central region and dilated renal vein at the renal hilum. A diagnosis of an Arteriovenous Malformation was confirmed by renal angiography.
 These ultrasonic appearance were believed characteristic of Renal Arteriovenous Malformation.