Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1986 - Vol.13

Vol.13 No.01

Case Report(症例報告)

(0064 - 0068)


Cystadenocarcinoma of the Liver Detected by Ultrasonic Mass Survey

小野寺 博義1, 及川 正道1, 阿部 真秀1, 木村 敏1, 千田 信之1, 後藤 由夫1, 伊藤 契2, 大和田 康夫2, 深尾 彰3, 菅原 伸之4

Hiroyoshi ONODERA1, Masamichi OIKAWA1, Masahide ABE1, Satoshi KIMURA1, Nobuyuki CHIDA1, Yoshio GOTO1, Kei ITOH2, Yasuo OHWADA2, Akira FUKAO3, Nobuyuki SUGAWARA4

1東北大学医学部第三内科, 2東北大学医学部第一外科, 3東北大学医学部公衆衛生学教室, 4宮城県対がん協会

1The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine, 2The First Department of Surgery, Tohoku University School of Medicine, 3Department of Public Health, Tohoku University School of Medicine, 4Cancer Detection Center of Miyagi Cancer Society

キーワード : Cystadenocarcinoma, Liver, Ultrasound, Mass survey

 A patient was 50-year-old female. She had no signs and symptoms. A cystic lesion with papillary growth was detected by the mass survey with ultrasound for diseases of the liver, the gallbladder and the pancreas which was held by the Cancer Detection Center of the Miyagi Cancer Society. Serum liver function tests (GOT, GPT, ALP, ZTT) were within normal limits. HBsAg and alpha-fetoprotein were negative. She was refered to the Tohoku University Hospital for further examinations. Computed tomography revealed a cystic lesion with papillary growth in the left hepatic lobe. Angiography demonstrated hypovascular tumor with the small tumor stain which was probably coincidental with the papillary growth. Ultrasonically guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology of the papillary growth of the cyst showed adenocarcinoma. The content of the cyst was reddish brown and CEA level of it was exiremely high (2,300 ng/ml). Left lobectomy was performed. The diagnosis of cystadenocarcinoma was confirmed histologically. Tumor seemed to be 3.5 cm in diameter.