Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1986 - Vol.13

Vol.13 No.02

Original Article(原著)

(0083 - 0090)

High Pulse Repetition Frequency Doppler(HPRF) 法の臨床的意義—特に流速計測における連続波ドプラ法との比較について—

Clinical Significance of High Pulse Repetition Frequency (HPRF) Doppler−With Special Reference to That as Compared with Continuous Wave Doppler in Measurement of Flow Velocity−

宮沢 総介1, 鈴木 茂1, 佐々木 達海1, 中村 譲1, 鈴木 和彦1, 水野 朝敏1, 新井 達太1, 吉川 義博2, 寺島 昌夫2, 望月 剛2

Sosuke MIYAZAWA1, Shigeru SUZUKI1, Tatsuumi SASAKI1, Yuzuru NAKAMURA1, Kazuhiko SUZUKI1, Asatoshi MIZUNO1, Tatsuta ARAI1, Yoshihiro YOSHIKAWA2, Masao TERASHIMA2, Takashi MOCHIZUKI2

1東京慈恵会医科大学心臓外科, 2アロカ株式会社

1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Jikei University School of Medicine, 2Aloka Co., Ltd.

キーワード : High pulse repetition frequency Doppler (HPRF), Continuous wave Doppler

 High pulse repetition frequency (HPRF) Doppler was used to determine the flow velocity of abnormal blood flow in varied heart disease, and the findings were compared with those by continuous wave Doppler. The model SSD-730 by Aloka Co., Ltd. was used in this study, and the reference frequency of this system ranged from 4.2 KHz to 19.2 KHz. Twenty-seven cases of mitral stenosis and 12 cases of semilunar valve stenosis and coarctation of aorta were studied.
 Little differences were noted in all studied cases in terms of the maximum flow velocity between HPRF Doppler and continuous wave Doppler. Pressure gradient obtained by catheterization was compared with that estimated by HPRF Doppler, and good correlations (r=0.74 in MS group; r=0.95 in other diseases) resulted.
 HPRF Doppler that has improved pulse repetition frequency is not only capable of displaying the blood flow signal at a specific region without producing aliasing but also of measuring the flow velocity that has been usually determined only by continuous wave Doppler. This technique appears to serve as a highly useful clinical tool because of its wide diagnostic capabilities.