Original Article(原著)
(0315 - 0323)
種々病態における拡張終期左室流入様式の差異: 左室流入血流パターンと心尖拍動図による検討
Non-invasive Assessment of Left Ventricular Filling During Atrial Systole by Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography and Apexcardiography
富永 俊彦, 大木 崇, 浅井 幹夫, 石本 武男, 大櫛 日出郷, 内田 知行, 河野 智彦, 河野 和弘, 福田 信夫, 森 博愛
Toshihiko TOMINAGA, Takashi OKI, Mikio ASAI, Takeo ISHIMOTO, Hidesato OKUSHI, Tomoyuki UCHIDA, Tomohiko KAWANO, Kazuhiro KAWANO, Nobuo FUKUDA, Hiroyoshi MORI
The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokushima
キーワード : Pulsed Doppler echocardiogram, Apexcardiogram, Left ventricular inflow velocity pattern, Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, Late diastolic left ventricular filling dynamics
To assess the left ventricular (LV) filling dynamics during atrial systole, A/D ratio (amplitude of atrial contraction wave / amplitude of early diastolic wave) of LV inflow velocity pattern recorded by pulsed Doppler echocardiography, A/H ratio of apexcardiogram, the amplitude of the atrial component of LV pressure (ΔPa) and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) were analyzed in 72 patients with various heart diseases.
There was a significant correlation between LVEDP and A/D ratio in patients with the LVEDP of less than 20 mmHg (r=0.71, pΔPa (r=0.78, p In conclusion, combined analysis of A/D ratio of LV inflow velocity pattern and A/H ratio of apexcardiogram may be useful for the evaluation of the LV filling dynamics during atrial systole in various heart diseases.