Original Article(原著)
(0335 - 0340)
慢性肝障害とくに肝硬変における肝, 脾, 門脈径の測定意義について
Measurement of the Size of the Liver, Spleen and Portal Vein in Chronic Liver Diseases
土居 崇仁, 坂口 正剛
Takahito DOI, Seigo SAKAGUCHI
First Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Fukuoka University
キーワード : Size of the liver, Size of the spleen, Portal vein, Splenic vein, Cirrhosis of the liver
The size of the liver and spleen and diameter of the portal vein system at umbilical portion, main trunk and splenic vein were measured in 84 cases of chronic liver diseases.
With the advance of chronic liver disease, right lobe of the liver became smaller and spleen became bigger with the dilatation of splenic vein and umbilical portion of the portal vein.
Cirrhosis showed the deformity of the liver and the difference of the size in the right and the left lobe decreased, and in 43% of these cases the left lobe became bigger than the right. In 40% of cirrhosis, umbilical portion was bigger than main trunk of the portal vein but the same result was not observed in chronic hepatitis.