Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1986 - Vol.13

Vol.13 No.05

Original Article(原著)

(0356 - 0368)


Ultrasonic Diagnosis of the Pediatric Congenital Diseases

大橋 勝彦1, 福嶋 啓祐1, 平井 紀之2

Katsuhiko OHASHI1, Keisuke FUKUSHIMA1, Noriyuki HIRAI2

1川崎医科大学総合臨床医学教室, 2川崎医科大学中央検査部

1Department of Primary Care Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School, 2Central Laboratory, Kawasaki Medical School

キーワード : Pediatrics, Congenital disease, Ultrasonic diagnosis

 Although pediatric congenital diseases are rare, their early diagnosis is very important. We have examined 28 cases of the pediatric congenital diseases by ultrasound during the last nine years, and with the exception of one case of Meckel's diverticulum, ultrasonography was useful for the diagnosis of these cases. They included congenital tumors, congenital malformations, congenital metabolic diseases and so on.
 There are many restrictions on the examination of children, and the pediatric congenital diseases are apt to be accompanied by other malformations or abnormalities.
 Ultrasonography is useful for the diagnosis of the pediatric congenital diseases, because examination can be easily carried out and the abdomen can be surveyed.