Case Report(症例報告)
(0480 - 0484)
Ultrasonographic Findings of Leiomyosarcoma of the Small Intestine: A Case Report
小堀 迪夫1, 徳永 常登1, 山本 亮輔1, 斉藤 逸郎1, 越智 文晴2, 佐藤 源3
Michio KOBORI1, Thuneto TOKUNAGA1, Ryosuke YAMAMOTO1, Itsuro SAITO1, Humiharu OCHI2, Gen SATO3
1瀬戸内海病院内科, 2瀬戸内海病院臨床検査部, 3四国癌センター外科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Seto Inlandsea Hospital, 2Clinical Laboratory, Seto Inlandsea Hospital, 3Department of Surgery, Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital
キーワード : Leiomyosarcoma, Ultrasonography, Small intestine, Exo-enteric tumor, Cystic formation
We present a case of leiomyosarcoma of the small intestine.
A 47-year-old man visited our hospital with complaints of abdominal fullness and epigastric pain for the past three days.
On abdominal palpation there was a smooth, elastic hard, good movable, fist sized tumor in the left hypogastrium.
Ultrasonic examination showed a well defined mass containing multiform cystic patterns in the slightly high echoic solid pattern corresponding to some residual parenchyma. Posterior echo enhancement were observed.
On gastrointestinal series the small intestine was displased by the tumor, and moved with this tumor. There were no abnormal findings in the mucosal pattern of the small intestine. Hence it is assumed that the tumor was closely adherent to the small intestine.
Preoperative clinical impression was an exo-enteric leiomyosarcoma or a mesenterial polycystic tumor.
On laparotomy the neoplasm was located 2 m oral from the ileocecal valve, 11×8×8 cm in diameter, growing outside of the small intestinal canal.
Cut surface of the tumor disclosed multiple cystic areas with irregularities in its inner surface and there was no abnormal finding in the mucosal layer.
Histological diagnosis was leiomyosarcoma.