Original Article(原著)
(0042 - 0045)
Bladder Tumor Detection in Mass Screening for Prostatic Diseases using Transrectal Sonography
大西 克実, 板倉 康啓, 渡辺 真, 川瀬 義夫, 速水 久嗣, 中尾 昌宏, 宮下 浩明, 稲葉 正, 大江 宏, 渡辺 泱
Katsumi OHNISHI, Yasuhiro ITAKURA, Makoto WATANABE, Yoshio KAWASE, Hisashi HAYAMI, Masaaki NAKAO, Hiroaki MIYASHITA, Tadashi INABA, Hiroshi OHE, Hiroki WATANABE
Department of Urology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
キーワード : Bladder tumor, Mass screening, Prostatic diseases, Transrectal sonography
From 1975 to 1986, mass screening program for prostatic diseases using transrectal sonography for the primary study has been carried out on 5213 subjects. In this study, 4 cases of bladder tumor were detected in addition to prostatic diseases such as benign prostatic hypertrophy or prostatic cancer. In 3 cases of them, bladder tumor was visualized inside the bladder as a protrusion on the sonogram obtained with sufficient rilling of the bladder. In 1 cases, bladder tumor was not visualized on the sonogram at the primary study and was detected by preoperative examinations for benign prostatic hypertrophy.