Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1987 - Vol.14

Vol.14 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0171 - 0174)

血管造影施行後,穿刺部に発生した偽性動脈瘤の1例 −とくにカラードップラー法の有用性について−

Doppler Color Flow Mapping in the Demonstration of Femoral Pseudoaneurysm Caused by Puncture

前田 雅道, 西本 泰久, 須磨 久善, 村木 宏要, 小玉 敏宏, 麻田 邦夫, 大関 道麿, 佐々木 進次郎, 武内 敦郎

Masamichi MAEDA, Yasuhisa NISHIMOTO, Hisayoshi SUMA, Hirotoshi MURAKI, Toshihiro KODAMA, Kunio ASADA, Michimaro OZEKI, Shinjiro SASAKI, Atsurou TAKEUCHI


Department of Thoracic Surgery, Osaka Medical College

キーワード : Femoral pseudoaneurysm, Doppler color flow mapping

A case of femoral pseudoaneurysm occurring at the site of previous puncture with color doppler is reported. It showed the blood flow in the aneurysm and the point where the blood comes into. The diagnosis may be confirmed with the use of ultrasonography and angiography. The color doppler has proved to be a useful technique for diagnosing femoral pseudoaneurysm.