Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1987 - Vol.14

Vol.14 No.03

Original Article(原著)

(0206 - 0214)


Study on Longitudinal Transverse Ratio of Breast Tumors by Compression Ultrasonography

江浪 博昭1, 坂田 一記1, 古田 智彦1, 深田 代造1, 伊藤 隆夫2, 田中 史朗3

Hiroaki ENAMI1, Kazuki SAKATA1, Tomohiko FURUTA1, Daizo FUKATA1, Takao ITO2, Siro TANAKA3

1岐阜大学医学部第二外科, 2岐阜市民病院外科, 3岐北総合病院放射線科

1Second Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Gifu University, 2Department of Surgery, Gifu Municipal Hospital, 3Department of Radiology, Gihoku General Hospital

キーワード : Breast tumor, Ultrasound diagnosis, Longitudinal transverse ratio, Compression ultrasonography, Tissue elasticity

In order to investigate the tissue elasticity of breast tumors which was considered to be one of the contributing factors of longitudinal transverse ratio, we made a simple device for ultrasonography of breast tumors under compression, and compared the ordinary and the compressed views in 30 fibroadenoma and 30 of cancer cases, which were histologically confirmed, in measuring longitudinal and transverse diameters and skin-muscle distance. We also carried out ultrasonography from the lateral side of breast tumors in order to aboid influences from gravity and water bag compression, and measured longitudinal and transverse diameters in 10 fibroadenoma and 15 cancer cases. The results were as follows: 1) In general, the longitudinal transverse ratio of fibroadenoma was smaller than that of cancer. 2) The longitudinal transverse ratios of fibroadenoma and cancer decreased in inverse proportion to the tumor size. 3) The shape of fibroadenoma was changed more easily than that of cancer when compressed equally. 4) The degree of transformation in fibroadenoma and that in cancer were almost constant independently of tumor size. 5) The longitudinal transverse ratio in the lateral view of fibroadenoma was remarkably higher than that in the ordinary view, while differences between the lateral and the ordinary views were insignificant in cancer cases. 6) As an index of tissue elasticity of breast tumors, we recommend to use the degree of change in longitudinal transverse ratio, i.e. ‘{1-(Lc/Tc)/(Lo/To)}×100%', according to which values more than 10% suggest fibroadenoma and those less than 10% suggest cancer.