Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1987 - Vol.14

Vol.14 No.04

Case Report(症例報告)

(0332 - 0338)


Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery Studied with the Real-time Two-dimensional Doppler Flow Imaging Technique —A Case Report of an Infant—

川田 哲嗣1, 大山 朝賢1, 河内 寛治1, 小林 博徳1, 森田 隆一1, 関 寿夫1, 川越 徹2, 北村 惣一郎1

Tetsuji KAWATA1, Choken OYAMA1, Kanji KAWACHI1, Hironori KOBAYASHI1, Ryuichi MORITA1, Toshio SEKI1, Tooru KAWAGOE2, Soichiro KITAMURA1

1奈良県立医科大学第三外科, 2奈良県立医科大学中央臨床検査部

1The 3rd Department of Surgery, Nara Medical College, 2Clinical Laboratory, Nara Medical College

キーワード : Real time 2D-Doppler, ALCAPA

A real-time two-dimensional Doppler flow imaging and a pulsed Doppler were used for blood flow analysis in a 6 months old infant with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA). Following findings were obtained. 1) Turbulent flow patterns were seen in the pulmonary trunk near the left coronary artery orifice. 2) Blood flow from the left coronary artery to the pulmonary trunk was observed on two-dimensional Doppler imaging. In conclusion, a real-time two-dimensional Doppler flow imaging is useful method for the diagnosis of ALCAPA and the judgement on the direction of the coronary artery flow.