Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1987 - Vol.14

Vol.14 No.05

Original Article(原著)

(0436 - 0447)


A Geometrical Study of the Left Ventricle in Mitral Regurgitation Using 2-D Echocardiography, with Special Reference to Systolic Function

武内 秀之1, 長谷川 陽1, 馬岡 晋1, 関岡 清次1, 井阪 直樹1, 中野 赳1, 岡田 稔2

Hideyuki TAKEUCHI1, You HASEGAWA1, Shi UMAOKA1, Kiyotsugu SEKIOKA1, Naoki ISAKA1, Takesi NAKANO1, Minoru OKADA2

1三重大学医学部第一内科, 2名古屋大学工学部情報工学科

1The First Department Internal Medicine Mie University, 2Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University

キーワード : Spheroidal index, Mitral regurgitation, Geometrical change, 2-D echocardiology

In order to evaluate left ventricular systolic function in patients with mitral regurgitation, using geometrical index, the relationship between spheroidal index and LV function were investigated in 32 patients and 10 normals. This geometrical index was developed originary calculating standard deviation of tangential direction argument (σθ) on LV boundary in longitudinal 2-D echocardiography through a computer processing.
Result: (1) σθD and σθS were significantly lower in MR III° and IV° than in normal and MR I° or MR II° (p(2) Although σθD well correlated with EDV in mild volume overload (r=-0.741), σθS did not correlate well with ESV in mild volume overload, but did in severe cases (r=-0.617).
(3) σθ correlated with fractional shortening on echocardiography (σθD: r=0.623, pσθS: r=0.800, pσθD: r=0.613, pσθS: r=0.692, pThe above results suggest, σθS is the more sensitive index of LV systolic function than σθD. σθS appeared to increase with severity of LV dysfunction and to be a good index for determining the timing of operation.
Furthermore, this method has the following superiorities: (1) sensitive to in the narrow echo window cases. (2) calculation algorithms is independent of the center of gravity, (3) and independent of individual body size, (4) and independent of sampling interval of endocardium.