Original Article(原著)
(0494 - 0500)
Ultrasonogram of Adenomatous Goiter
村上 司1, 村上 信夫1, 野口 志郎1, 野口 秋人1, 太田 康幸2
Tsukasa MURAKAMI1, Nobuo MURAKAMI1, Shiro NOGUCHI1, Akito NOGUCHI1, Yasuyuki OHTA2
1野口病院, 2愛媛大学医学部第三内科
1Noguchi Thyroid Clinic and Hospital Foundation, 2Third Department of Internal Medicine, Ehime University School of Medicine
キーワード : Adenomatous goiter, Ultrasonography
Ultrasonographic findings of 59 patients diagnosed as adenomatous goiter pathologically were evaluated about the following points; whether nodule(s) were multiple or solitary, cystic or solid, with calcifications or not, and with diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland or not. Comparing the ultrasonographic diagnosis based on these findings with pathological diagnosis, the following conclusions were drawn;
1. The cases showing typical ultrasonographic findings such as multiple cystic nodules and/or diffuse enlargement of the thyroid were diagnosed correctly by ultrasonography.
2. In 63.6% of patients diagnosed falsely by ultrasonography, macroscopic findings were atypical of adenomatous goiter.
3. Ultrasonographically, lesions seemed to localize in one lobe in 54.2% of patients.
4. Ultrasonographically, multiple nodules were demonstrated in 47.4% of patients, while solitary nodule in 44.1%.
5. Calcifications were observed in 20.3% of patients ultrasonographically.
6. Ultrasonography could not reveal the concomitant presence of small carcinomas.