Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1987 - Vol.14

Vol.14 No.06

Case Report(症例報告)

(0607 - 0609)


Solitary Large Cyst of the Liver Showed Natural Remarkable Reduction -Report of a Case-

飯島 敏彦1, 飯島 常喜2, 柳橋 真生3, 南部 勝司1

Toshihiko IIJIMA1, Tsuneki IIJIMA2, Shinsei YANAGIHASHI3, Masaji NAMBE1

1順天堂大学浦安病院内科, 2飯島診療所, 3鹿島白十字総合病院

1Department of Internal Medicine, Urayasu Hospital, Juntendo University School of Medicine, 2Iijima Shinryojo, 3Kashima Hakujuji General Hospital

キーワード : Cyst of the liver, Natural reduction, Ultrasonogram

A 75 year-old female was examined abdominal ultrasonography (US) for health check-up on May 17, 1983. The US image demonstrated the presence of a solitary large cyst of the liver (7.5×4.5 cm in diameter) in the left lobe. Three years after the first examination, US was examined again and decrease in size of the cyst was revealed. Four years after the first examination, on April 19, 1987, the cyst showed remarkable spontaneous reduction, which was 1.5×1.0 cm in diameter.
This paper reported a rare case of solitary large cyst of the liver showed natural remarkable reduction.