Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1988 - Vol.15

Vol.15 No.05

Case Report(症例報告)

(0428 - 0431)


A Case of Subacute Hepatitis Diagnosed by Ultrasonography

中村 陽一2, 安宅 信二3, 川原 久須二1

Yoichi NAKAMURA2, Shinji ATAGI3, Kusuji KAWAHARA1

1三野病院内科, 2徳島大学医学部第三内科, 3徳島県立中央病院内科

1Department of Internal Medicine, Mino Hospital, 2Third Department of Internal Medicine, Tokushima University School of Medicine, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital

キーワード : Subacute hepatitis, Ultrasonography, Computed tomography

A case of subacute hepatitis diagnosed by ultrasonographic examination in the early stage of the disease was reported. A 50-year-old Japanese male admitted to our hospital because of general fatigue and icterus. Laboratory data revealed elevation of GOT, GPT, ALP, T-Bil, LDH and γ-GTP, but normal level of prothrombin time and serum NH3. Ultrasonography showed normal pattern of the liver on the 1st hospital day. On the 7th hospital day, ultrasonographic finding showed diffuse hyperechoic pattern of the liver and indicated subacute hepatitis. But other symptoms and signs such as psychial symptoms, ascites or gastrointestinal bleeding were not appeared at that time. Four weeks later, liver atrophy was demonstrated by ultrasonography and computed tomography, and submassive liver cell necrosis and fibrosis were also shown by liver biopsy on the 66th hospital day. Laboratory finding revealed moderately increased prothrombin time and NH3 and decreased ChE and platelet. Patient was treated and was in compensatory state of liver cirrhosis. It was considered that ultrasonographic examination was useful to diagnosis of serious liver diseases including subacute hepatitis.