Original Article(原著)
(0052 - 0061)
Differentiation between Wilms' Tumor and Neuroblastoma: Examination and Classification of Boundary of Tumor-Kidney Interface
陳 敏華, 丁子 清, 小川 肇, 篠原 正裕, 藤田 信行, 森田 穣, 入江 五朗
Minhua CHEN, Kiyoshi CHOJI, Hajime OGAWA, Masahiro SHINOHARA, Nobuyuki FUJITA, Yutaka MORITA, Goro IRIE
Department of Radiology, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
キーワード : Ultrasound studies, Computed tomography, Kidney, Wilms' tumor, Neuroblastoma
Examination of boundaries between Wilms' tumor or neuroblastoma and the affected kidney
was performed in 33 patients using either US or CT, or both. US assessment was done on nine
patients with Wilms' tumor and 20 patients with neuroblastoma: CT assessment was done on eight
with Wilms' tumor and ten with neuroblastoma. The type of the boundary was classified into six
categories: I. The tumor is located apart from the kidney or touches it at one small point; II.
The tumor surrounds a certain part of the kidney while the shape of the kidney remains unchanged;
III. There is an extensive area of contact between the tumor and the kidney; the edges of the
kidney at the interface appear roundish ("boomerang" appearance); IV. There is an extensive
area of contact between the tumor and the kidney; one edge of the kidney at the interface appears
roundish while the other has a sharp beak appearance; V. There is an extensive area of contact
between the tumor and the kidney; both edges of the kidney at the interface are sharp ("crescent"
appearance); VI. The image of the tumor eclipses, wholly or almost wholly, the image of the
kidney, making identification of the kidney impossible, or almost impossible, and making classification
of the boundary into categories I-V impossible. Alternatively, image of the kidney surrounds
the image of the tumor.
Pathologically confirmed Wilms' tumor appeared as types V or VI in 100% of CT examinations
and 89% of US examinations. Pathologically confirmed neuroblastoma appeared as types I, II,
or III in 85% of US examinations and 90% of CT examinations. The findings permit a highly
accurate differential diagnosis by both US (93%) and CT (94%) that types V and VI indicate
Wilms' tumor and types I, II, III and IV indicate neuroblastoma.