Case Report(症例報告)
(0184 - 188)
A Case of Curative Excision of Anicteric Inferior Bile Ductal Carcinoma
韓 憲男1, 岩崎 輝夫1, 雨宮 彰1, 貴島 弘樹1, 黄 泰平1, 阪口 全宏1, 江本 節1, 藤井 真1, 吉川 澄1, 伊藤 篤1, 浅沼 弥生2, 山口 睦弘2
Norio HAN1, Teruo IWASAKI1, Akira AMEMIYA1, Hiroki KISHIMA1, Taihi KOH1, Masahiro SAKAGUCHI1, Takashi EMOTO1, Makoto FUJII1, Kiyoshi YOSHIKAWA1, Atsushi ITO1, Yayoi ASANUMA2, Mutsuhiro YAMAGUCHI2
1大阪労災病院外科, 2大阪労災病院超音波室
1Department of Surgery, Osaka Rosai Hospital, 2Section of Ultrasonography, Osaka Rosai Hospital
キーワード : Inferior bile ductal carcinoma, Endoscopic ultrasonography
We report a case of curative excision for inferior bile ductal carcinoma suspected in anicteric
phase ultrasonographic screening and diagnosed in endoscopic ultrasonography in a 47-years-old
female patient with a chief complaint of right upper abdominal pain.
Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed an irregularly bordered 1.5 cm diameter tumor at the
inferior bile duct and carcinoma was diagnosed.
Endoscopic ultrasonography is useful as a method to confirm the presence of inferior bile ductal
carcinoma and also to discriminate it from other disturbances.