Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1989 - Vol.16

Vol.16 No.03

Original Article(原著)

(0230 - 0238)


Study of Flexible Ultrasonic Wave Guide Used for Surgical Ultrasonic Aspirators ( I )

上羽 貞行, 杉本 恒美

Sadayuki UEHA, Tsuneyoshi SUGIMOTO

東京工業大学 精密工学研究所 上羽研究室

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics

キーワード : Surgical ultrasonic aspirator, Flexible wave guide

Surgical ultrasonic aspirators have been successfully used for the surgery of liver and kidney because of its harmlessness to blood vessels and nervous tissue. The view of the affected part, however, is often interrupted by the grip in which an ultrasonic vibrator is built. If the ultrasonic vibration is transmitted by a flexible wire, the above problem may be soloved.
Furthermore, such a flexible aspirator is expected to be used for the operation with an endoscope.
The feasibility of using flexible vibrating system is studied to obtain the following results:
1. Standing waves of longitudinal vibration can be effectively excited along the wire waveguide in resonance.
2. The vibration amplitude of the far end tip is hardly affected by the change of curvature of the waveguide.
3. Bending vibrations of the waveguide can be successfully suppressd in the water-filled pipe.
4. Both the vibration amplitude and the cross-sectional area of the tip have strong influences on the ability of emulisiflcation.