Case Report(症例報告)
(0270 - 0275)
A Case of Pheochromocytoma with the Disappearance of Echocardiographic Findings of Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy after Operation
西野 雅巳, 江角 章, 野崎 士郎, 西野 佳秀, 棚橋 秀生, 安野 雅夫, 小林 敬司, 山田 義夫, 阿部 裕
Masami NISHINO, Akira EZUMI, Shiro NOZAKI, Yoshihide NISHINO, Hideo TANAHASHI, Masao YASUNO, Keiji KOBAYASHI, Yoshino YAMADA, Hiroshi ABE
Depertment of Internal Medicine, Osaka Rosai Hospital
キーワード : Pheochromocytoma, HOCM, Echocardiography
We report a case of pheochromocytoma in which left ventricular configuration mimicking hypertrophic
obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) disappeared after operation. A twelve-year-old boy was hospitalized
for headache and palpitation accompanied hypertension. A 24-hour urine collection showed elevated
cathecolamines and abnormal ultrasonographic examination and computed tomography revealed a right
adrenal mass. The right adrenal pheochromocytoma was diagnosed and it was removed without complication.
Echocaridiograms were performed in this case before and after operation. Before operation systolic
anterior movement (SAM) and asymmetric septal hypertrophy (AHS) were demonstrated. Post operatively
(4 months) ASH disappeared and 8 months after surgical removal of the tumor SAM disappeared. So we
thought excessive catecholamines probably effected ventricular wall thickening in this case.