Original Article(原著)
(0346 - 0353)
超音波による肝門部門脈の分岐形態に関する検討 -主に異常分岐例について-
Ultrasonic Evaluation of the Different Branching Patterns of the Portal Vein in the Hepatic Hilum -With Special Reference to Anomalous Branching Patterns-
桑山 美知子1, 竹内 和男2, 鶴岡 尚志1, 井上 淑子1, 城山 昌代1, 鶴 千津1, 中西 成元1
Michiko KUWAYAMA1, Kazuo TAKEUCHI2, Naosi TSURUOKA1, Yoshiko INOUE1, Masayo SHIROYAMA1, Chizu TSURU1, Shigemoto NAKANISHI1
1虎の門病院臨床検査室, 2虎の門病院消化器科
1Department of Clinical Physiology, Toranomon Hospital, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Toranomon Hospital
キーワード : Ultrasonography, Branching pattern of the portal vein, Anomalous branching pattern , Right-sided umbilical portion
The branching patterns of the portal vein (PV) in the hepatic hilum were studied with ultrasonography (US) in 1,025 healthy subjects.
The most common branching patterns seen were the two-branch type, the three-branch type, and the independent posterior-branch type, these were seen in 78.5, 12.0 and 8.4% of the subjects, respectively.
Anomalous branching patterns were also noted in 11 subjects (1.1%). They were divided into two types. In Type A branching patterns, the base of the right anterior branch formed the umbilical portion (UP) of the portal vein. In Type B patterns, the right anterior branch originated in the normal UP of the left hepatic lobe. Type A branching patterns were found in 7 patients (0.7%), and Type B patterns were found in 4 (0.4%).
The Type A anomalous UP, which is considered to be embryologically derived from the first branch of the right umbilical vein rather than the left, has been named "right-sided UP".
In 6 of the 7 subjects with "right-sided UP" branching, the body of the gallbladder (GB) was situated just beneath the round ligament. In 3 of these, the fundus of the GB was positioned to the left of the round ligament.
Because anomalous branching of the portal vein is relatively common in the hepatic helum, it is important to check for this anomaly with an ultrasound examination before hepatic or biliary surgery.