Original Article(原著)
(0375 - 0382)
腎細胞癌の超音波像 -腫瘍の内部エコーについての検討-
Ultrasonotomograms of Renal Cell Carcinoma -Retrospective Study of the Internal Echogram of Tumor-
藤井 敬三, 金子 茂男, 橋本 博, 佐々木 正人, 八竹 直
Hiromitsu FUJII, Shigeo KANEKO, Hiroshi HASHIMOTO, Masato SASAKI, Sunao YACHIKU
Department of Urology, Asahikawa Medical School
キーワード : Renal cell carcinoma, Ultrasound diagnosis, Internal echogram of tumor
Characters of ultrasonotomographic findings of renal cell carcinoma were retrospectively examined in 35 patients for last 8 years and echogenicity and homogeneity of the internal echograms of tumors were compared with operative and pathological findings, ie, actual size of tumor, macroscopically defined growth pattern, pathological stage and grade. The relationship between internal echograms of tumors and prognosis was also studied.
The internal echograms of tumors, less than five centimeters in diameter had a tendency to be hypoechoic, isoechoic or homogeneous, while in tumors more than five centimeters in diameter, the internal echograms were hyperechoic, indistinguishable or heterogeneous (pPathological stage and grade did not correlate with the internal echo texture of tumors.
Patients with tumors of hypoechoic or indistinguishable significantly demonstrated a more favorable survivorship than those with tumors of isoechoic or hyperechoic (p