Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1989 - Vol.16

Vol.16 No.05

Original Article(原著)

(0448 - 0452)


Ultrasonically-guided Fetal Umbilical Blood Sampling and Fetal Therapy during Pregnancy

谷川原 真吾, 渡辺 孝紀, 新宅 芳行, 遠藤 英敬, 岩本 充, 岡村 州博, 矢嶋 聰

Shingo TANIGAWARA, Takanori WATANABE, Yoshiyuki SHINTAKU, Hidetaka ENDO, Mitsuru IWAMOTO, Kunihiro OKAMURA, Akira YAJIMA


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tohoku University School of Medicine

キーワード : Fetal blood sampling, Cordocentesis, Ultrasonically-guided puncture, Fetal therapy

Eighty-one fetal blood samplings were performed in 51 pregnancies in gestational weeks 17 to 38. Fetal blood was obtained using a 22 or 23-gauge needle guided by ultrasound. The indications for fetal blood sampling included NIHF, severe IUGR, fetal anomaly, hydramnion, severe toxemia, Rh incompatibility and immunodeficiency.
Maternal blood contamination was present in 3 cases and puncture failed in two cases. There were 5 cases of chromosomal anomaly, 3 of trisomy-18, 1 of trisomy-21 and 1 of partial trisomy-6p.
Chronic fetal distress was diagnosed by analysing fetal umbilical venous blood gases. Fetal transfusion was carried out in a case of severe Rh isoimmunization.
Severe side effects of cordocentesis, except one fetal prolonged bradycardia, were not observed.