Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1990 - Vol.17

Vol.17 No.02

Original Article(原著)

(0153 - 0159)


Spleen Size Using Ultrasonography in Relation to Histological Activity in Chronic Hepatitis

小牧 斎, 三原 謙郎, 清田 正司

Hitoshi KOMAKI, Kenro MIHARA, Masashi SEITA


Department of Internal Medicine, Miyazaki Prefectural Hospital

キーワード : Spleen Size, Chronic Hepatitis, Hepatitis Activity, Ultrasonography

Twenty–six patients with histologically–diagnosed chronic hepatitis (10 inactive cases, 16 active cases) were followed up using a serial ultrasonographic examination along with liver biopsies during the period of August, 1980 to July, 1988. The spleen size was estimated as a sectional area of the spleen echo using the Koga et al method, i. e. S=a×b cm2 (a; maximum length of the splenotomogram, b; the longest width perpendicular to a). The patients were divided into 4 groups using serial histological changes of the liver. Group I included 7 cases with chronic inactive hepatitis. Group II had 3 cases which changed from inactive to active hepatitis. Group III had 9 cases with chronic active hepatitis. And group IV included 7 cases which changed from active hepatitis to active hepatitis with lobular disorganization or liver cirrhosis.
The average spleen size changed from 30.3±5.0 cm2 to 30.3±7.8 cm2 in group I (inactive→inactive), 31.3±7.1 cm2 to 37.3±7.9cm2 in group II (inactive→active), 37.8±10.4cm2 to 38.7±13.5 cm2 in group III (active→active) and 45.1±6.2 cm2 to 54.2±14.3 cm2 in group IV (active→active hepatitis with lobular dysorganization or liver cirrhosis). Increased spleen size was noted during the study period in 57% of group I patients, 100% of group II patients, 33% of group III patients, and 71% of group IV patients, suggesting that the patients in group II and IV showed a high incidence of progression.
Analysis of the relationship between spleen size and the degree of hepatitis activity suggested that the larger the spleen, the more active the chronic hepatitis.