Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1990 - Vol.17

Vol.17 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0195 - 0199)


A Case of Focal Fat Infiltration of the Pancreas

小野寺 博義1, 金澤 義彦1, 鈴木 裕1, 小田和 浩一2, 中村 雍志3

Hiroyoshi ONODERA1, Yoshihiko KANAZAWA1, Hiroshi SUZUKI1, Koichi OTAWA2, Yasushi NAKAMURA3

1宮城県立成人病センター内科, 2宮城県立成人病センター放射線科, 3宮城県立成人病センター外科

1Department of Internal Medicine, Miyagi Seijinbyo Center, 2Department of Radiology, Miyagi Seijinbyo Center, 3Department of Surgery, Miyagi Seijinbyo Center

キーワード : Pancreas, Fat infiltration, Ultrasound, CT

The patient was a 59–year–old female. She was referred to our hospital for further examination of a pancreatic tumor. Ultrasonography demonstrated the hyperechoic well–marginated round mass in the body of the pancreas. The size of the mass was 1 cm in diameter. CT scan also demonstrated a low density round mass which was not enhanced by the intravenous injection of contrast medium. The mass showed fat density. ERCP and angiography failed to reveal the mass. Distal pancreatectomy was performed. The mass was focal fat infiltration measuring 0.8 by 0.7 cm. The irregular–shaped pancreatic tissues remained in the adipose tissue.