Case Report(症例報告)
(0319 - 0323)
2-D Doppler Ultrasonography on Hepatic Hemangioma with Faster Blood Flow
戸原 恵二1, 坂口 正剛1, 古川 浩1, 小田 俊一1, 植木 敏晴1, 平野 基1, 奥村 恂1, 岡崎 正敏2
Keiji TOHARA1, Seigo SAKAGUCHI1, Hiroshi KOKAWA1, Toshikazu ODA1, Toshiharu UEKI1, Motoi HIRANO1, Makoto OKUMURA1, Masatoshi OKAZAKI2
1福岡大学第一内科, 2福岡大学放射線科
1The First Department of Internal Medicine School of Medicine, Fukuoka University, 2Radiology, School of Medicine, Fukuoka University
キーワード : 2-D Doppler Ultrasonography, Hepatic hemangioma, Faster blood flow
Two cases of hepatic hemangioma with faster blood now were studied using 2-D Doppler US.
In the first case, various color signals were visualized in the tumor using the 2-D doppler method. Using the pulsed doppler method numerous continuous waves were found inside the tumor, and faster pulsating waves were noted at the margin. In the second case, color spots were visualized at the margin of the tumor. They displayed faster pulsating waves using the pulsed doppler method.