Original Article(原著)
(0402 - 0409)
Ultrasonography for the Second Screening Step of Gastric Mass Survey
小野寺 博義1, 金澤 義彦1, 千田 信之2, 菅原 伸之3
Hiroyoshi ONODERA1, Yoshihiko KANAZAWA1, Nobuyuki CHIDA2, Nobuyuki SUGAWARA3
1宮城県立成人病センター内科, 2東北大学医学部第三内科, 3宮城県対がん協会がん検診センター
1Department of Internal Medicine, Miyagi Seijinbyo Center, 2Third Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine, 3Cancer Detection Center of Miyagi Cancer Society
キーワード : Ultrasonography, Gastric mass survey, Intra-abdominal calcification, Extrinsic pressure on stomach
We performed ultrasonography for the second screening step in gastric mass survey at the Miyagi Cancer Society. This paper reports on the test rasults and on the success in determining malignancy.
Ultrasonography was performed in 636 examinees in whom intra-abdominal calcifications were discovered in gastric mass survey. Cholecystolithiasis, renal calcification, intrahepatic calcification, splenic calcification, and pancreatic calcification were discovered in 58.5%, 8.3%, 3.3%, 1.1% and 0.8% of the cases, respectively. No abnormality was found in 27.7% of the cases. Although three malignast cases (0.5%) were discovered, only one case of renal cell carcinoma was accompanied with calcification.
Ultrasonography was also performed in 417 examinees in whom extrinsic pressure on the stomach as present. Liver cyst, renal cyst, hepatic hemangioma, hepatomegaly, swelling of the pancreatic head, and splenomegaly were discovered in 11.3%, 14.6% 1.4%, 1.2%, 1.2%, and 1.2% of the cases, respectively. No abnormality was discovered in 56.8% of the cases. Six malignant cases (1.4%) were discovered. These six cases consisted of 2 cases of pancreatic carcinoma, 2 cases of leiomyosarcoma of the stomach, renal cell carcinoma, and retroperitoneal neurofibrosarcoma.
Ultrasonography for the second screening step of gastic mass survey, especially in examinees in whom extrinsic pressure on the stomach is present, is useful for discovering malignant cases.