Original Article(原著)
(0410 - 0419)
7.5 MHz高周波プローブによる急性虫垂炎の超音波診断(第1報)
Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis Using 7.5 MHz High Resolution Transducer (1st Report)
荒木 一郎1, 山本 脩治2, 小林 健2, 宮山 史朗2, 楠 憲夫1, 平岩 善雄1, 吉田 誠1, 品川 俊男1, 魚津 幸蔵3, 木元 文彦3, 関川 博3, 永森 正秋4
Ichiro ARAKI1, Syuji YAMAMOTO2, Takeshi KOBAYASHI2, Shiro MIYAYAMA2, Norio KUSUNOKI1, Yoshio HIRAIWA1, Makoto YOSHIDA1, Toshio SHINAGAWA1, Kozo UOZU3, Fumihiko KIMOTO3, Hiroshi SEKIKAWA3, Masaaki NAGAMORI4
1富山赤十字病院内科, 2富山赤十字病院放射線科, 3富山赤十字病院外科, 4山田温泉病院内科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Red Cross Hospital, 2Department of Radiology, Toyama Red Cross Hospital, 3Department of Surgery, Toyama Red Cross Hospital, 4Department of Internal Medicine, Yamada Onsen Hospital
キーワード : Acute appendicitis, Ultrasonography, Five-layered structure, Diagnosis, High resolution transducer
Ultrasonic examinations were performed in 63 patients with suspected acute appendicitis. Using a 7.5 MHz linear transducer, inflamed appendices were visualized in 49 of 52 operated cases (94.2%) who had pathologically-confirmed appendicitis. This visualization rate is higher than rates previously reported. It has been said that the sonographic pattern of an inflamed appendix appears as an anechoic lesion with a rounded hyperechoic configuration. Using a 7.5 MHz transducer, we could clearly observe that the wall of the inflamed appendix was divided into five layers, as was the gastric wall. Ultrasonically, catarrhal-type appendicitis showed smooth muscular layer, while phlegmonous-type showed irregular muscular layer and gangrenous-type showed a disappearance of the five-layered structure. By carefully observing the five-layered structure, especially the muscular layer, we could distinguish catrarrhal-type appendicitis from phlegmonous- or gangrenous-type with an accuracy of 88.9%. Moreover, most pasients with an appendix of more than 8 mm in width had phlegmonous or gangrenous appendicitis. These results indicate that we should regard as a surgical indication any appendix with an irregular muscular layer or an apendix which is more than 8 mm in width. These findings may enable us to make more accurate diagnose of acute appendicitis. In conclusion, high resolution sonography using a 7.5 MHz transducer is usuful not only for diagnosing acute appendicitis, but also for evaluating its surgical indications.