Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1990 - Vol.17

Vol.17 No.04

Case Report(症例報告)

(0451 - 0455)


An Infection of Hepatic Cyst Effectively Treated with Ultrasonically Guided Drainage -A Case Report of Advanced Age-

大西 勇人1, 山田 珠樹1, 加藤 直也1, 山本 俊幸1, 宮治 眞2, 片桐 健二2, 星野 信2, 早川 富博2, 岡山 安孝2, 中井 富夫2, 大岩 孝幸2, 武内 俊彦2

Hayato OHNISHI1, Tamaki YAMADA1, Naoya KATOH1, Toshiyuki YAMAMOTO1, Makoto MIYAJI2, Kenji KATAGIRI2, Makoto HOSHINO2, Tomihiro HAYAKAWA2, Yasutaka OKAYAMA2, Tomio NAKAI2, Takayuki OH-IWA2, Toshihiko TAKEUCHI2

1名古屋市厚生院内科, 2名古屋市立大学第1内科

1Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya-shi Koseiin Geriatric Hospital, 2First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya City University Medical School

キーワード : Hepatic cyst, Infection, Advanced age, Ultrasonically guided drainage

A 100 year-old female was admitted to our hospital because of fever and anorexia. After admission, right hypochondralgia and slight liver dysfunction appeared. Ultrasonogram revealed a giant hepatic cyst with sludge echo and a few small hepatic cysts. CT-scan showed enlargement of the cyst containing two layers of fluid, which had been detected four years previously. Ultrasonically guided drainage of the cyst was performed and pus was obtained through the drainage tube. Since patient's general condition improved completely, the tube was removed eight days after drainage. Although the cyst remained 5 cm in diameter at that time, it disappeared nine months after removal of the drainage tube. Destruction of the epithelium of the cyst wall caused by infection was suspected to be the reason for the disappearance of this large cyst. Since ultrasonically guided drainage is an easy and safe procedure, it should be the first choiced for treating infected hepatic cysts, even in advanced aged.