Original Article(原著)
(0612 - 0616)
Ultrasonically Guided Needle Aspiration in Diagnosis of Subpleural Nodule of Mycobacteriosis
小幡 賢一, 植木 純, 檀原 高, 饗庭 三代治, 山口 芳, 土井 義之, 玉城 繁, 吉良 枝郎
Kenichi OBATA, Jun UEKI, Takashi DAMBARA, Miyoji AIBA, Kaoru YAMAGUCHI, Yosiyuki DOI, Sigeru TAMAKI, Shiro KIRA
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Juntendo University, School of Medicine
キーワード : Transthoracic needle aspiration, Ultrasonic guidance, Mycobacteriosis
Although flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy is an important tool in diagnosing nodular lesion in the peripheral lung, it does not always yield definitive result. We have already reported on the usefulness of ultrasonically guided needle aspirasion in subpleural malignancies. In this study, diagnostic validity of ultrasonically guided needle aspirasion method for subpleural nodules of mycobacteriosis was studied. Our subjects were 15 definitely diagnosed mycobacteriosis patients who underwent ultrasonically guided needle aspirasion and/or flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Mycobacteria were proven in aspirated materials obtained from 9 of 13 cases. There were no serious complications in this study. It suggests that ultrasonically guided needle aspirasion is a valid method of diagnosing subpleural nodule of micobacteriosis as well as lung cancer.