Original Article(原著)
(0633 - 0638)
経腹壁的検査における肝海綿状血管腫の"Disappearing Sign"を含むechogenicity変化について
Echogenicity Change of Hepatic Cavernous Hemangioma Including "Disappearing Sign" in Routine Ultrasonography
丁子 清1, 陳 敏華1, 松岡 伸一1, 小川 肇1, 久保 公三1, 長谷川 貴1, 佐藤 幸彦1, 佐藤 健誠2, 入江 五朗1
Kiyoshi CHOJI1, Minhua CHEN1, Shin'ichi MATSUOKA1, Hajime OGAWA1, Kozo KUBO1, Takashi HASEGAWA1, Yukihiko SATO1, Kensei SATO2, Goro IRIE1
1北海道大学医学部放射線医学教室, 2北海道社会福祉事業協会岩内病院内科
1Department of Radiology, Hokkaido University School of Medicine, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Iwanai Kyokai Hospital
キーワード : Ultrasonic diagnosis, Liver neoplasms, Liver, Hemangioma cavernous
Two sets of US images of confirmed 27 hepatic hemangiomas in 20 cases were compaired. In one set, patients were treated by applying artificial pressure to the liver; in the other set, patients were treated without applying that pressure. Pressure was applied by (a) deep inhalation, (b) manual compression of the abdominal wall, or (c) a combination of both (a) and (b). Nine out of 17 hyperechoic hemangiomas, and two out of eight mixed-echo hemangiomas showed change in the echogenicity, while none of the two simply hypoechoic ones yielded no change in the echogenicity. The overall sensitivity was 41%. Even nodules smaller than 30 mm in diameter yielded change in echogenicity in 40%. This phenomenon, is thought to be specific to hemangioma as the authors had previously reported in the field of intraoperative sonography. The observation of this change in echogenicity is a good confirmatory method in the diagnosis of hepatic hemangiomas by routine ultrasonography.